Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Eudorian Hierarchy

1)     The most respected level on the hierarchy is the Priest.
2)     The second most respected is the Emperor
3)     The third are craftsmen and merchants
4)     The highest of the low are servants
5)     The lowest Level are criminals and slaves from other religions

Eudalisk Part 1

There was nothing, and then there was something. The goddess EUdORA floated mystically to the place that would soon be Earth. Eudora, being the goddess of creation, began to make a new form. It formed a large body of water and land. She named it “Earth.” Eudora and her godly husband, SwAZILINDORo, decided that they needed more company than their only son, named LiNLANDORo. EUdORA started to make living organisms to occupy the new planet. These organisms were named humans.
 Later on, the humans looked sad. They were naked and lonely. So EUdORA created another organism. She created many different kinds of animals. Now EUdORA had the human’s love. The humans started to evolve on their own. So did the animals. Eventually a species of animal, the horse, evolved in a one-horned magic creature. They named it the unicorn. EUdORA was feeling so left out that she banished all magic creatures to the sky, including dragons and ghosts. The humans understood EUdORA’s situation, so they started praying to her more. In return, she gave them luxuries such as marble and barley. They formed large temples and food surpluses. Eventually they made a hierarchy.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Important Information

Eudora is the goddess of creation and she rules the universe. She is married to Swazilinlandoro, the god of fedoras. She has a daughter named Cuedora, the goddess of candy and sweets. She also has a son named Linlandoro, who is the god of video games and laziness.  When the universe first came into existence Alphalphus, the god of misery, tried to steal it from Eudora. She simply said, "aint nobody got time for that!" and banished him to the Yeargilo. This is really all you need to know about Alphalphus and how he became enemies with Eudora, but there is plenty more to learn about everybody else!